“This short romance novel by Catherine Greenfeder has it all; romance, mystery, murder, angels, intrigue, friendship, and love. We meet the protagonist, Kay Lassiter in the prologue, when she is only thirteen years old. Here, in a foreshadowing of what is to come, we learn that she has “visions” and “the sight.” These attributes come full circle later with the introduction of Eviance, an angel, who manifests as a pivotal character in the story. The book is replete with interesting characters, such as Sir Roderick Divine, whose presence reveals a back story that fuels the current murder plot. Twists in the plot develop and keep the reader guessing as layers of the unexpected are added and the novel makes its way to a surprising and satisfying conclusion.”
— Marion I. Goldstein, Author of Hard to Place, One Family’s Journey Through Adoption;
Embracing the Sign, A Journey of Faith, Science, and Experience