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I am a published novelist and a language arts teacher. I write paranormal romance, young adult and historical fiction.

Creating Stories, a course from Udemy

“How to Create a Story” 

 from Hank Quense for Udemy


This on-line course, “How to Create a Story”  in fourteen sections includes worksheets and truly covers all the fundamentals of creating stories from award winning, multi-published fantasy author Hank Quense.  


A step-by-step approach to writing a story using slides and lectures includes looking at the elements of plot from the main conflict, creation of  characters, the setting, the point of view, the sequence of events, the use of subplots, the climax, and the resolution. “You need many ideas for writing a story” according to Hank Quense who also feels that this process takes time and hard work. 


The tutorial reminds writers to consider who they are writing for — their readers – every step of the way. To draw the reader in, make them care about the story, you must make the characters seem real and identify the emotions you want the reader to experience through those characters. 

Taking brief examples from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and The Hangover, as well as Hank Quense’s own books, provides insight into how it can be done. 


Pack Up Your Imagination

I love to travel! Born in the sign of Sagittarius,  I definitely have a wanderlust and have been fortunate to visit many countries and parts of the USA. Travel gives me the opportunity to learn, to meet people, and to get inspired. The writer in me enjoys the scents, the sounds, and the sights of new places.

Aside from packing my clothes, my camera, and books to read while away, I pack a journal or two. Sometimes it’s a plain notebook, and other times it’s a fashionable travel journal. Regardless, what matters is being there, writing about the people and places I visit, and invoking my muse to create stories. While it’s easy these days to Google information, I think that to actually be at a place that becomes the setting of a story lends credibility to the writing.

That’s what guided me in writing my western historical romance Wildflowers. On one of my many trips to visit my family in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I took a side trip to Independence, Missouri, the jumping off point for the pioneers going west.

My work-in-progress is partly set in Cork, Ireland, and uses the historical as well as the cultural background of the land of my ancestors. It will be a generational saga based on immigrant experiences.

I may not use all of what I discover or experience on my voyages, but somewhere in the recesses of my imagination, they linger to be called forth sometime. So, while glancing at the scenery, taking a tour, or reading historical guides, my journaling will provide the fodder for what I might write later.

Oh, the wanderlust is calling, time to pack up my journal!

The 11th Anniversary Liberty State Fiction Writers Conference is coming!

November 6, 2021

After so long, it’s finally happening! The LSFW conference is coming to New Jersey.

I’ve always enjoyed this conference, and it was frustrating not to be able to attend it earlier in the year due to the pandemic. However, it’s back! Guest speakers, workshops, and the chance to meet and catch up with fellow writers after so long.

The Keynote Presentation called “More Power, More Options, More Control Over Your Path to Success” will be given by Mark Leslie Lefebvre, the former President of the Canadian Booksellers Association and founder of Kobo Writing Life. He has more than twenty books published. This is sure to be informational and exciting!

Keynote Presentation

The conference will take place at:

Holiday Inn Clark
36 Valley Road
Clark, NJ 07066
Tel: 732.587.1050 Fax: 732.388.1186