I had the pleasure
of meeting Ted Delgro
sso, when I joined the fiction writing critique group of the Write Group of Montclair.
Ted Delgrosso is a published author of short fiction and an active member
of the Write Group.
Why did you become a writer?
I responded to storytelling as a child growing up. My grandfather would entertain us with stories. As a member of the Boy Scouts of America, I was one of the storytellers in my troop. Growing up, when I met people, I would ask them to tell me their stories. After my service in the United States Navy in the Seventies, I got more interested in writing down my short stories.
Why do you write science fiction?
Science fiction allows me to stretch my imagination in ways no other genre can. Speculations on where the human race is headed, what technologies could evolve or be discovered, and what the future conflicts may be are just a part of it. Sci-fi can take you anywhere.
What inspired you to write your books?
The reaction that I received when telling my stories inspired me. I noticed the eyes of the audience when I told my stories, and that helped me later when writing my stories.
My desire is to entertain my readers. Ideas inspire me. Some of my stories are based on events in my life, and I add a twist to them.
How did you first get published?
My wife had suggested that I polish up my stories and send them out. So, I had a number of ideas for a manuscript. My first book is a collection of 25 short stories. Thirteen of them are contemporary fiction and twelve of them are science fiction. Page Publishing published my first book, Ted’s Tales. It’s available as an e-book, print book, and audio book on Amazon, and is in paperback and e-book with Barnes & Noble. Amazon Publishing On-line is my partner in publishing my second book, Ted’s Tales Two, which will be available as an e-book, hard cover, and paperback book.
What are you working on now?
I’m focusing on short stories, and they’re at various stages of development. I’m looking to delve into the marketing of my books by interviews, social media, and book fairs.
Can you describe your writing process?
I keep a pen and pad next to my bed. I may wake up during the night and write down my ideas. It could be a dream. When I get an idea, I write it down, put it together, and put it in my “idea” notebook. If it is an idea that I can use, I then work on it later.
As a short story writer, there is diversity in terms of storytelling. I’m not locked into a few main characters, as is the case of a novel.
Once I write the first draft, it becomes a project. The hard work of revision and fact checking begins.
What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Writing is rewriting. Once you write the rough draft, you need to go back, look at it again, substitute words to make it better, and be open to advice from other writers.
It’s also important to make a budget ahead of time. Create a separate bank account for your writing, and set limits on how much you will spend on your writing. Manage your money to invest in your writing.
What writing organizations do you belong to?
I belong to the Montclair Write Group and through that group, I belong to several subgroups. I am in the fiction writing critique group and the free write group. The free write group uses writing prompts which forces you to write something under time pressure. After so much time, you’re asked to share what you wrote with the group.
I also subscribe to Writer’s Digest magazine. I like to watch movies, and I pay attention to how things are structured in their stories.
Have any well-known authors inspired you?
Along with some of the classic authors, I have been inspired by the writings of Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clark, Stephen King, J.R. Tolkien, Michael Crichton, and Stephen Hunter.
What books have inspired you?
Books which have inspired me include 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke, Ben Bova’s series on colonizing the planets, Ray Bradbury’s short story collections, Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, and more recently, anything written by Steven King and Stephen Hunter.
Do you have a favorite genre? If so, what is it and why?
Yes, my favorite genre is science fiction. I also like good drama fiction. I enjoy The Twilight Zone stories and The Outer Limits which have something with a twist.
Where are your books available?
Ted Tales,Book 1, is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in paperback, Kindle, and audio book. Ted Tales Two is available on Kindle, as well as, in hardcover and paperback on Amazon. It will soon be available at Barnes and Noble.
To learn more about Ted Delgrosso, you can visit his website. by clicking on this link for the author.