November 6, 2021

After so long, it’s finally happening! The LSFW conference is coming to New Jersey.
I’ve always enjoyed this conference, and it was frustrating not to be able to attend it earlier in the year due to the pandemic. However, it’s back! Guest speakers, workshops, and the chance to meet and catch up with fellow writers after so long.
The Keynote Presentation called “More Power, More Options, More Control Over Your Path to Success” will be given by Mark Leslie Lefebvre, the former President of the Canadian Booksellers Association and founder of Kobo Writing Life. He has more than twenty books published. This is sure to be informational and exciting!
Keynote Presentation
The conference will take place at:
Holiday Inn Clark
36 Valley Road
Clark, NJ 07066
Tel: 732.587.1050 Fax: 732.388.1186