“She stood awhile waiting at the edge, watching for him, and praying it wasn’t too late.” – Mistress of the Seas (in progress)
Writers often work in solitude. It’s a given. A mug of coffee, a loving pet by your side, and a vision of a story floating on the recesses of your mind. Where does it come from?
When I look over my earlier writings, I chose what interests me. Angels among us is something I’ve come to believe. Since childhood when I first learned of guardian angels, I felt the existence of ethereal beings deemed by a Creator to assist and work among us. A de javu experience in the ancient ruins of Mexico City and experiences in meditations convinced me of the notion of reincarnation then led to writing about lovers who came together after a lifetime centuries earlier. Ghosts are believed real by many of us. Believing in the possibility led to my writing about it in two young adult books and a short story. The journey and adventures of American pioneers led to my writing about a headstrong couple in Wildflowers, a book set along the Oregon Trail during the 1840’s.
Yet, there is more here. Characters call to me from their world, tell me their problems, and lead to the writing of their stories. It sounds strange, but once I start to write a story down, it generally takes form if I am willing to allow it to. When I tell people that I write fiction, they sometimes tell me that they could write a book. I challenge them to do so. It’s never easy, but it takes more than imagination, it takes endurance, perseverance, and being open.
A photograph, a work of art, the lyrics of a song, a story passed down through generations, a discovery on a trip, other works of other authors can generate ideas. I also believe in a Creator, much greater than I, who benefits all life and instills in us the power to create. I am forever grateful to that Creator.