Spring ushers in warmer weather, albeit mercurial at times, but generally a reprieve from harsher wintry days. I started Spring cleaning with my closets. Whether to save, donate, or toss a few things from the wardrobe perplexed me, but it gets done, and thrift stores appreciate my efforts. This is the time to scour the drawers, too, for items no longer useful.
While I am at it, this is a good time to take out those notepads, rough drafts, and look at how to spruce up my writing. I am also committing to a Spring writing challenge: NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in April. I have notebooks, outlines, and former drafts to work with. The challenge is flexible in that you can set your own word counts and what you want to do with the writing. I’ve had a few drafts and revisions to choose from. Although the warmer weather and sunshine beckon, I cocoon within my writer’ space awhile to type as much as I can in the allotted time I choose to give myself for the task. Easily distracted by the sweet birdsong in my yard, the demands of a growing puppy, binge watching a favorite series, or the temptation of doing something else, it remains a challenge, but one that is doable. It is not whether to write, but weather need not be right for writing.